2. Overview of Daltai CPD training for learning analytics
Development of resources based on this framework is ongoing. Resources will be open access at https://www.cpdlearnonline.ie/. Here is a preview of what to expect:
3. Project Webinars
An Introduction to Learning Analytics for Higher Education, by Niall Sclater.
Delivered on 18 June 2019 as the the keynote for the annual Dublin eLearning Summer School, TU Dublin.
Dr. Niall Sclater is Consultant and Director, Sclater Digital (UK), specialising in learning analytics, e-learning, educational technology and distance learning.
Sponsored by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education as part of the Daltaí project.
Evidenced Based Decision Making in the Classroom, June 2020.
Hear perspectives from:
Dr. Charles Lang, Assistant Professor in Learning Analytics, Teachers College, Columbia University, NY
Dr. Alyssa Friend Wise, Associate Professor of Learning Sciences and Educational Technology in the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development and the Director of LEARN (NYU’s LEarning Analytics Research Network)
Dr. Niall Sclater, Consultant and Director, Sclater Digital (UK), specialising in learning analytics, e-learning, educational technology and distance learning
Dr. Christothea Herodotou, Senior Lecturer, Institute of Education Technology, Open University UK
4. Daltai project report
A report of the analysis done on focus groups (n=77) and survey data (n=1,580) to inform the CPD framework above.
Daltai Final Report version 21022021
5. STUDY INSTRUMENTS for download
a)Student focus group protocol
d) Staff survey
Or download all four in a zip file here.